The Navigator

April 22, 2024

dancers on stage

In my sophomore spring when I was doing my "semester switch" at Duke University, I decided to make a brief return to ballet class. Duke has beautiful studios, why not take advantage of that? The return was very anxiety-inducing at first, but gradually got better. One of my classmates had a show, so I went to watch it. This photo is of a piece that she choreographed, and for some reason I began to tear up at the middle of the piece. I very rarely cry in response to pieces of media, so this was a big deal for me.

Choreographer: Caroline Brecke

Music and composer: “For Wanda” by Silver Mt. Zion; “God Turn Me Into a Flower” and “Some Winters” by Weyes Blood; “I. Flight of the Navigator” by Childish Gambino

Description: A piece about how we move through the natural and built realms that we are willed to exist among.